Utility Company Challenges
- Real time processing is required for an ever-growing volume of meter data.
- Dynamic pricing models such as usage-based, time- based and event-based tariffs must be supported.
- Analytics tools are required to improve the understanding of customer behaviour.
- Flexible new service offerings require support for creation, promotion, discounting and bundling.
Sigma Software OmniCare™ – Utility Suite
Sigma Software understands that accurate charging and billing is one of the most critical components of Quality of Experience (QoE) for Utility Companies.
Sigma Software’s OmniCare™ Real-Time, Online Utility Billing software is an efficient smart-meter billing solution for service providers of water, electric, gas, sewage and multiservice utilities. It enables Utility companies to cope with challenges of rating and charging based on smart meter data and offers operational efficiencies and savings for innovative services creation and customer experiences improvement.
OmniCare™ Utility / Smart Metering Billing software provides agile business models to allow an unlimited number of customers, a wide variety of rate structures, and flexible pricing structure to customers billed with minimal cost and low risk.
Utility / Smart Metering Billing Key Features
- Online Real-time Rating & Charging, Billing
- Dynamic tariff and rate plans
- Centralized product catalog, tariff management
- User defined rate tables and customer districts
- Automatic connect & disconnect real-time
- Web and smart phone friendly customer self-care
- Notifications via email and SMS
- Support pre-paid and post-paid
- Allows Pre-Authorized Withdrawals facilitates a wide variety of payment types such as equalized payments or auto debit
- Interface with PayPal and key payment solutions gateways
- Supports tiered, tapered and complex discounting
- Multiple billing cycles and routes
- Provides tenant billing as well as special billing notes requested by owners or tenants
- Allows for minimum charges
- Can print utility bills on pre-printed forms or send PDF via email
- Support multi-configurable bill layout
- User defined rate tables and customer districts
Benefits to Utility Companies
- Offers unprecedented accuracy in meter reading
- Delivers far greater speed, accuracy, consistency and efficiency in customer billing
- Lowers cost of operations significantly
- Detects unlawful actions, such as theft, meter tampering and conservation violations
- Eliminates staff time spent correcting billing inaccuracies
- Enables customer service to answer questions with easily accessible detailed information
Benefits to Utility Customers
- Delivers consistent, accurate information daily
- Makes time-of-use rate pricing possible
- Eliminates bills based on estimated usage